Welcome To Cobblestone.
A N E W S E R I E S, A V A I L A B L E N O W.

I make comics I’d want to read.
That way, YOU will want to read them, too!
I’ve been making comics for over 25 years. I started my career in 1995 at 15, bursting into the comic book industry and immediately working on the biggest and brightest characters printed today. From Batman to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I have seemed to work on it all, from creating my characters and the worlds they live in to collaborating with the biggest and brightest creators in the entertainment world.
“His work has influenced new talent and shaped how you see comics and their iconic characters today.”
-Andy Liegl, Owner of Brave New World Comics
And with my imprint, PUNCH KICK COMICS, I’m creating new worlds for all ages to enjoy, from Kids solving crimes to Cyborgs punching bad guys in the face.
Read. Love. Repeat.
The Cobblestone Chronicles: Michael Versus The Babysitters
$15 - Signed with a Doodle!
STAINED: The Complete Graphic Novel
$40 - Signed by David Baron (Out of print 1st Edition)
STAIND #1 (Jock Variant Cover)
$40 - Signed by David Baron